[JDEV] SMS transport info needed how to configure jabber.xml!!!

Marco Balmer mb at micressor.ch
Fri Nov 21 14:21:31 CST 2003

On Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:09:18 +0000 (GMT), Ashwin Gupta wrote
>    I am going to set SMS transport smst-R4 on my jaber-1.4.2 
> server.So what should I do to start SMS transport on my jabber 
> server and how to configure jabber.xml for that SMS transport.


You have to configure your main jabber.xml with following service tag:
<service id='smslinker'>

Your first part of the smst.pl (Release 4) should be:
use constant SERVICE_NAME => 'sms.localhost';
use constant SERVER       => '';
use constant PORT         => 5299;
use constant SECRET       => 'secret';
use constant PASSWORDS    => '/home/jabberd/spool/spooldirectoryxy';

You have to change this examples for your local configuration!

Good luck.

pub  1024D/5818B5AA 2001-03-07 Marco Balmer <mb at micressor.ch>
Keine Angst vor M$-Saftware! Ungeladen ist sie völlig harmlos.

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