[JDEV] Modules, presence, etc...

Daniel Perez dperez at fib.upc.es
Fri Nov 21 06:48:20 CST 2003

Hi all,

I'm developing a jabberd 1.4.2 module which only aim is to know whenever 
some user connects/disconnects to/from the jabber server (and update a 
db accordingly).

I'd like to know wheter the logic behind my code is OK:

1 ) To know when a user connects, I have a callback associated to 
e_SESSION event. That's all.

2 ) To know when a user disconnects, I have a callback associated to 
e_DELIVER event. Then I filter JPACKET_PRESENCE packets, and then I 
filter those packets which  are JPACKET__UNAVAILABLE and which 
user->sessions is not NULL (I found that I was receiving the unavailable 
packet twice every time a user disconnected... the only difference I 
found between those packets was user->sessions. Is there any other way?).

Is it ok? (it works... but maybe I'm omitting something.

I'm also wondering why I'm receiving "unavailables" from msn transport 
users but I don't receive "available" packets... I launch my module 
after all jsm modules are launched... may this be the reason?(although 
msn transport is launched after these modules, isn't it?)  I get a log 
like this  when dperez (me) disconnects from the server (POA is the code 
name of the module):

Fri Nov 21 13:26:05 2003  presence.c:64 POA :: dperez/Work is connected
Fri Nov 21 13:27:10 2003  presence.c:108 POA :: dperez/Work has left.
Fri Nov 21 13:27:10 2003  presence.c:108 POA :: (null)/registered has 
left.               <----------------------------- I suppose this is the 
msn transport fake user.
Fri Nov 21 13:27:10 2003  presence.c:108 POA :: 
foo1%hotmail.com/(null) has left. (when does this user connects?)
Fri Nov 21 13:27:10 2003  presence.c:108 POA :: 
foo2%hotmail.com/(null) has left. (and this? He may be foo1's friend ;-) )

Thanks in advance,
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