[JDEV] Jabber Gateway Framework (JGF)

jabber_jdev at aeiou.pt jabber_jdev at aeiou.pt
Thu May 15 18:01:49 CDT 2003

hi all

I'm thinking about build a jabber transport, and the Jabber Gateway 
Framework (JGF) project from jabberstudio.org seems to be a great 
help for me, but in jabberstudio there's nothing more about this 
project then their description... and i can't contact the owner 

there's anyone who knows anything more about this framework? someone 
already used it? i like to program in java, and like me certainly 
there's more poeplo who does, so i think this framework is graet for 
jabber community...

if anyone could give me so help... thx :-)

Francisco Goncalves
jabber_jdev at aeiou.pt
jid chico at uniboxow.ptinovacao.pt


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