[JDEV] RSS jabberd plug-in

David 'TheRaven' Chisnall theraven at sucs.org
Sat May 10 05:15:25 CDT 2003


A similar thing was on my summer TO-DO list, but if you are going to 
write one then I will probably either:
a) Collaborate or
b) Not bother and use yours, once it's released.

The IETF Internet Draft of the extensions to XMPP for IM 
(http://www.jabber.org/ietf/draft-ietf-xmpp-im-11.html) contain the 
information you need about the headline message type.  Basically you 
want to send messages of the form:
<message type='headline' to='client at jabber.server.com'>
    <subject>The title part of the RSS item</subject>
    <body>The description part of the RSS item</body>
    <x xmlns='jabber:x:oob>
        <url>The link part of the RSS item</url>
        <desc>The description part of the RSS item again</desc>

You can probably find help for writting a Jabber component over at 

I hope this helps,


Bart Lamot wrote:

>Hi there,
>I want to develop a RSS jabberd plug-in.
>I believe there one time was such a thing as the header JEP or something.
>Where can I find some info?
>about the JEP and about how to write a jabberd plug-in.
>I want to use java as a language and GCJ as the compiler so that it will be a native thingy, write once run anywhere.
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org

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