[JDEV] Re: JabberCOM .OnMessage 'Tag' Parameter help

David Banes dbanes at ozemail.com.au
Mon Jun 23 18:05:55 CDT 2003

Hi Peter,

Thanks, I'm using Delphi, what else :)

I've got a good handle on the IXMLTag and using iterators, what I'm not 
skilled up on is actually getting the interface from the Tag parameter. 
Preseumable I have to cast it, pass it or do something else to it as 
it's passed in as an OleVariant and I need it to be an IXMLTag. 

All I probably need (I hope) is a single line of code as an example as I 
exhauste the help and Delphi's 'help' on Interfaces and IDispatch.



In <015101c339a5$e35a0320$e201020a at pmillard2k> Peter Millard wrote:
> David Banes wrote:
>> I am working with JabberCOM and the IJabberSession event OnMessage. 
>> I'm having trouble 'getting at' the Tag parameter as an IXMLTag tag, 
>> I need to be able to get a TagIterator from it so I can see what tags 
>> are in the xml.
> What development environment are you using? Basically, you need to get 
> the IXMLTag interface from the Tag parameter, and then use something 
> like XMLTag.Query('foo') which would return an IXMLTagIterator to all 
> of the foo child elements. Then you would use my_itr.Next and my_itr.
> HasNext to iterate over all of those tags.
> Check the Documentation here:
> http://jabbercom.sourceforge.net/jabbercom.html (for JabberCOM stuff)
> http://jabbercom.sourceforge.net/xmlcom.html (for handling XML Tags, 
> etc..)
> pgm.

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