[JDEV] Re: [standards-jig] message formatting (XHTML IM)

Nathan Walp faceprint at faceprint.com
Wed Jun 18 18:10:11 CDT 2003

On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 10:49:38AM -0500, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> I'd like to move forward soon on XHTML IM (JEP-0071). Have any client
> developers started implementing this, even as a proof of concept? If so,
> what are your conclusions? If not, why not? I'm going to tweak the JEP
> over the next week or so and publish a new version, which I trust will 
> be ready for a Last Call, so feedback is requested. Please discuss on
> standards-jig at jabber.org or poke me offlist (I'm cc'ing JDEV just to
> keep people there in the loop).

Gaim has had this implemented since 0.62, and i've been tweaking it ever
since.  Since we started out as an AIM client, we still use a pitiful
excuse for HTML for internal markup, and have to accept what people type
themselves.  That said, I wrote a horribly hackish function to take the
assorted crap that people come up with, and turn it into valid XHTML-IM.  

It seems to be getting the job done, although I've heard reports of iffy
interoperability with old old versions of JabberIM (i think), which
expects an extra <br /> on the end of everything.  Other than that, no
complaints so far.


Nathan Walp             || faceprint at faceprint.com
GPG Fingerprint:        ||   http://faceprint.com/
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