[JDEV] JabberCentral [Was: Trillian Poll]

Richard Dobson richard at dobson-i.net
Mon Jun 16 15:32:54 CDT 2003

Something that might be worth considering is setting up a central site like
"jabber.net" but when people visit that their location could be determined
using the IP to Country system http://www.ip-to-country.com/ like PHP.net
does for its downloads and automatically direct the user to their local
portal, so for example when someone in Poland visits jabber.net they are
redirected to jabber.pl, when someone is Australia visits they are directed
to jabber.org.au etc etc. This has the dual benefit of a central site
newbe's can remember and visit and the benefit of the regional portals,
without the JSF having to maintain an offical separate website.

It would probably be good also if there is a basic starting framework (as
already suggested) that community jabber sites can be quickly built with if
someone wants to quickly start one up, including the basic stuff for
registering, integrated forum, news, client selection etc etc, which people
can build upon and customise.


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