[JDEV] JabberCentral [Was: Trillian Poll]

Mattias Campe mattias.campe at UGent.be
Mon Jun 16 11:20:39 CDT 2003

Bart van Bragt wrote:
> Tijl Houtbeckers wrote:
>> There's no need for 1 big "JSF-thumbs-up" portal that can't focus on 
>> the end-user cause it might piss off some developers.

I would still go for a *framework*-project so people can easily set up a 
localized site (and it's more in the line of the Jabber philosofy: 
distributed). Because one big "JSF-thumbs-up" will be in English... not 
every user understands English very well. And I don't think the JSF has 
the bandwith to provide http://be.jabber.net, http://nl.jabber.net, 
http://ro.jabber.net,... And that framework project doesn't have to 
focus on "content", but much more on "logic" and a framework to 
*provide* presentation (the project shouldn't worry to much on the 
presentation itself).

Why a framework? Well, why has the Jabber community so much servers? 
Because you can just download jabberd, install it on a linux server and 
that's it, nothing more. You customize it yourself by installing some 
Why would end-user sites pop-up as mushrooms? Because they would have a 
framework, to easily set up a site on their own.

just my 0.5 cents
(again :))

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