[JDEV] RE: [jadmin] Using aim-transport with a socks proxy. Anyone?

Malone, Pat pmalone at lsil.com
Wed Jun 4 09:59:25 CDT 2003

Hi Paul.
I use SOCKS to handle the AIM and MSN transports.
It is not very clean, but it works.

What I do is socksify (with the NEC SOCKS suite) the entire jabberd process,
or in my case, the jabberd processes specific to the AIM and MSN transports.
My startup script is something like this:
./jabberd/jabberd -h jabber.co.lsil.com -c jabber.xml&
/usr/local/bin/runsocks ./jabberd/jabberd -c aimtrans.xml&
/usr/local/bin/runsocks ./jabberd/jabberd -c msntrans.xml&
./jabberd/jabberd -c confserv.xml&

The big issue I run into is idle timeouts on my SOCKS servers.  I have them
set to 30 minutes, and as a result the AIM connections will be idle-dropped.
I get other unpleasant behaviors with both aim and msn connections that
could be associated with SOCKS as well, but I haven't pursued them.  Most of
my user don't like the transport 'method' and have gone back to multiple

If you find a cleaner or more efficient way to handle this, let me know.  I
sure would appreciate it.

(Note - I use the NEC runsocks command vs the Dante socksify command.  The
Dante socksify command on my system was crashing when used like this - no
clue why)

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