[JDEV] Browsing Public Chatrooms

Ritu Khetan ritu at netcore.co.in
Mon Jun 2 06:52:55 CDT 2003

Hello all,

   I have installed jabber-1.4.2 and conference-0.4. Here are the
jabber.xml fragments:

 <conference type="public" jid="conference." name="Public

 <service id='conference.'>
  <conference xmlns="jabberd:config:conference">
      <FN>Public Chatrooms</FN>
      <DESC>This service is for public chatrooms.</DESC>
      <join> has become available</join>
      <leave> has left</leave>
      <rename> is now known as </rename>
    <room jid="help at conference.">
      <name>Assistance Zone</name>
    <room jid="admin at conference.">
      <name>Adminz only</name>
        <join> just rocks!</join>
        <leave> gets lost</leave>
        <rename> feels it is more important to be known as </rename>

I am now trying to use Exodus to create a new room such that other
Exodus users are able to browse the public rooms. Unfortunately Exodus
doesn't seem to get the public roomnames. However, it allows me to join
a room whose name is known to me.

Please help!



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