[JDEV] Jabber on ARM systems

Ulrich B. Staudinger chicago5 at gmx.de
Tue Jul 29 01:49:29 CDT 2003

Jamin W. Collins wrote:

>Anyone here successfully running Jabber on an ARM system?  I ask because
>theres a Debian BTS report concerning almost immediate segfaults when
>the Debian package is run on the ARM architecture.  Recent updates to
>the bug report seem to indicate possible problems with the pth library.
>I understand that Jabber should only be compiled with pth 1.4.0 and
>nothing else according to:
>   http://www.jabber.org/admin/adminguide.html#requirements-software
>So, I guess what I'm trying to find out is if someone is successfully
>running Jabber on the ARM architecture (I've heard of at least one that
>is), and if so what version of pth they are using.
It sounds as if you were asking for the server jabberd, but if not, i 
can tell you i have got my client (greenthumb) to run on arm chipset as 

Ulrich B. Staudinger
jid: uls at dtedu.net

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