[JDEV] Are any C programmers out there?

Larry Wright larry.tami at gte.net
Fri Jul 25 21:33:03 CDT 2003

I may be missing something here, but can't you just use xdb_sql?

On Tuesday 22 July 2003 11:11 pm, Sonic98 wrote:
 I want to implement jabber on my website, but I can see that I will not be
 able to get it to work the way I want it to, at least not with the current
 open-source servers. The commercial ones have what I need, but they are
 over-priced. What I would like to do is get with a c programmer, edit the
 jadderd open-source sourcecode, make it so it will store user information on
 a DB instead of XML file,and recompile it.

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