[JDEV] Voice over IP

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Wed Jul 23 02:33:14 CDT 2003

Hi Mike!

Mike Prince schrieb am 2003-07-22 17:30:19:
> You may also consider SIP.  You'll still have any firewall/NAT issues,

I only named "H.323" as an example in my first post. In the second one I
only cared about firewalls.

You are right, there are different protocols that can be used for VoIP,
not only H.323 and SIP. As H.323 and SIP are using the same transport
protocol for the media data (RTP), there should be no big difference in
their support for NAT.
But if I had to choose what I want to implement, I would choose SIP,
that can be implemented with much less protocols and can be
enhanced afterwards. With H.323 you have to implement much more specs to
have the first working software.

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770        http://matthias.wimmer.name/
Fax: +49-(0)89 312 88 654        jabber://mawis@charente.de
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