[JDEV] is it possible to make a "trusted" relay transport in jabberd?

Dov B Katz Dov.Katz at morganstanley.com
Thu Jul 10 13:05:40 CDT 2003


 I did some testing, and it turns out that local transports on a server can
spoof the from to send messages to anyone on that server... anything that
needs to go via dialback will obviously not work since dialback prohibits

I am using this kind of relaying for several purposes. Among them is taking
inbound email and routing them as jabber messages.... i.e. user A sends
email to my mailpipe.. I re-route it to my jabber, but set the "from" of
the jabber msg to be the User A's jabber account, not mail account.   This
allows externally initiated conversations, which continue in jabber...
Additionally, I want to have people send jabber messages to local users via
a web form, and I believe a transport is more efficient than having send
message scripts which constantly have to log in as the user on a  per
message basis.

I may work with joe to add such spoofability to the JGF if others see a use
for it.

Think of spoofing the from, as being able to set a "Reply to:" in jabber.
Since, ultimately when you reply, it goes where I wanted it to....

To sum up. After some experimentation, it appears that  a gateway/transport
can send jabber traffic as anyone it wants ONLY if the dest user is on the
same server as the transport.  If messages must undergo the scrutiny of
dialback, they will be blocked for obvious reasons.

Best regards, and thanks for the response.
-Dov Katz

Nick wrote:

> Why are you attempting to do something very not appropriate? Once the
> client receives that message and attempts to reply, is the return
> address going to valid? Why not do what the other transports do and
> have user%otherserver at transport.yourserver? In the <message/> <body/>
> just prepend the message with "FROM: user at otherserver" in case you are
> worried about clarity.
> --
> Nicholas Perez
> Email:  nick at jabberstudio.org
> Jabber: nickperez at jabber.org
> Home:   303.759.0574
> On 2003.07.10 09:13, Dov B Katz wrote:
> > Is there any way (either via modification to config or to jabberd
> > source
> > code) in jabberd 1.4 to permit a transport to set its "from jid" to
> > anything it wants?
> >
> > Lets say we have a server myserver, and a transport relay.myserver
> >
> > I need the transport to send jabber messages as user at myserver, or
> > user at otherserver, etc...
> >
> > If you try that, I think jabberd disconnects the transport. How can I
> > grant it permission to do something like that?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > -Dov
> > --
> > NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender.
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> >
> >
> > begin:vcard
> > n:Katz;Dov
> > tel;fax:+1 (212) 507-8304
> > tel;work:+1 (212) 762-2171
> > x-mozilla-html:FALSE
> > url:http://www.morganstanley.com
> > org:<img src="http://www.morganstanley.com/img/morgan.gif">
> > ;Information Technology
> > version:2.1
> > email;internet:Dov.Katz at morganstanley.com
> > adr;quoted-printable:;;750 7th Avenue=0D=0A34th Floor;New
> > York;NY;10019;
> > fn:Dov Katz
> > end:vcard
> >
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