[JDEV] ask something

Agus Afiantara AgusA at Limas.com
Thu Jul 3 23:02:49 CDT 2003

Dear all,

now I have a problem when I'm using jabber server, my jabber server has installed at the out side my private networks, and to communicate with my jabber server I'm using Proxy Server (ISA Server) in order to communicate between client and jabber server, but at the client should have installed Proxy Client too, but my boss do want like that, he said that jabber supported to proxy server, so I make a client application to support proxy, but i really doesn't work at all, so please how I can communicate with jabber server withoust proxy client (ISA Client).

note : for component I have used JabberCOM.


Agus Afiantara
Developer Team
PT.Limas Stokhomindo.Tbk
Plaza Bapindo - Bank Mandiri Tower 23rd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 54-55 Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
Telp.62.21.5266520(hunting) fax.62.21.5266521

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