[JDEV] Lots of Presence: Distributed access to presence data from a server farm

Mike Prince mike at mikeprince.com
Thu Jul 3 02:21:42 CDT 2003

Thanks for the offer of the Perl code.  I'll probably re-use a Java
library I wrote for writing Jabber components, but thought I'd ask
around to see if there was a better approach I was missing.

Last go-round, I hacked JabberD 1.4.2 to forward over all the <presence>
packets to my component.  This went above and beyond the <bcc> method to
include unavailables and pass along the 'from' and 'to' fields

I'm mostly interested in adopting an architecture which can scale.  I am
leaning towards an EJB that implements a Jabber component that snoops
presence and caches it in memory, thus making lookups super fast.  I can
also recode the EJB backend when a better approach rears its head.

Given that as a baseline, what is the better path?  (...or should I
start coding :)

Thanks for your help,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdev-admin at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-admin at jabber.org] On 
> Behalf Of Nick
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:05 PM
> To: jdev at jabber.org
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Lots of Presence: Distributed access to 
> presence data from a server farm
> If you google around a bit, im sure you would find code for 
> doing what 
> you want. The component concept I personally have done, and it was 
> <bcc/>ed on presence. I stored the presences in a DB and did 
> DB access 
> from the webserver to scarf up the presences. It was a hack, and I'm 
> sure you could do better, but I think I still have my code around 
> (perl) if you are interested in looking.

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