[JDEV] Re: Want to start/contribute to a win32 version BUT...

GuruJ GuruJ at mbox.com.au
Tue Jul 1 08:04:23 CDT 2003

David 'TheRaven' Chisnall wrote:
> No, I actually did mean don't.  Most protocol enhancements will not 
> require any direct participation by the server, so you could use a 
> generic jabberd.  Your requirement of using windows on your server, 
> however, means that you are likely to need to modify jabberd to get the 
> kind of performance you are going to need.  Of course if you do need the 
> server to do something special then jabberd may still be the best option...

David, by this do you mean that any extensions to the server can be 
handled by jabber components, rather than through any changes to the 
server code itself?  Or will jabber faithfully transmit 'custom' XML 
messages it receives on to clients, even if the server itself has no 
idea what the message means?

-- GuruJ.

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