[JDEV] about how to show more information of others online user in jabber browser

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Fri Jan 31 03:46:36 CST 2003


zhang wrote:
> we can show name others online user in jabber browser ,let user can 
> select  unknow peolple who are online,and  chat with him
>  but we do not know how toshow more information on the browser,for 
> example , the old , country , sir/lady on the jabber browser ,now we 
> only can show the name , are there some thing need to  modifications 
> inside jabberd.

Users can publish this information about themselfes in their vCard that 
gets stored on their server.
A Jabber client that wants to show this information on the roster can 
query the contact when it is added for its vCard and store the 
information inside this vCard for future display.

Tot kijk
Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770       http://matthias-wimmer.de/
Fax: +49-(0)89-312 88 654       jabber://mawis@charente.de
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