[JDEV] Is it possible to prevent registered transport layersautomatically logging in?

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Mon Jan 13 06:50:05 CST 2003

Hi Richard!

Richard Dobson wrote:

>>AFAIK this shouldn't happen. The session manager should keep track of
>>individual presences and not use the default presence for them.
>Urm no I dont think it should, the session manager only keeps track of
>individual presences in order to send them unavailables when you logout or
>>The session manager of jabberd 1.4.x should work this way.
>I dont think it does or should for that matter.
Maybe I'm wrong then. Tought it wouldn't send default presences to users 
that got an individual presence.
Why do you think it shouldn't be that way? Can't see the benefit of 
sending default presence to these users.

But for the original problem it would be a solution then to login to the 
server with a presence of type invisible (transports would stay offline 
then) and sending individual presences to every item on the users roster.

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770	http://matthias-wimmer.de/
Fax: +49-(0)89-312 88 654	jabber://mawis@charente.de

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