[JDEV] jabberwebclient

Adrian Rapa adrian at kilipir.ro
Fri Jan 10 08:18:18 CST 2003

> Adrian Rapa wrote:
>>hi guys
>>With the people we have, we can start thinking at JabberWebClient
>>We will use JEP-0025: Jabber HTTP Polling in order to do it.
>>I am thinking that the project has 2 parts:
>>-- 1. Writing a server side jabber client that will conenct to jabber
>>server when a new use logs in, and stores the data received from jabber
>>server somewhere: in a file but it should exists database implementations
>>-- 2. Writing a php/asp/perl client that interprets the data and output
>>them as a html webpage (the web client).
>>1. Server side module.
>>    I was thinking at an apache module. It just should get the data from
>>jabber, store it in a file and then when he is gettin requests, serve
>>it. If anyone has any ather ideea, please let me know.
> Apache module is not good idea. I would write normal jabberd module with
> listen socket.
> Then PHP or java or .... can connect to that module and take data.
> Not everybody use apache and PHP.

hmm... the main ideea is to use an web interface... no aditionional
canoection.. no aditional firewall/packet filters issuses.

>>2. JabberWebClient
>>    I was thinking of writing it using only HTML/DHTNL and
>>javascript/ECMAScript. it should be very simple, as it will be an
>>webpage that reloads every 2 minutes, let say.
> We can reload only one single hidden frame ( every 5-10 sec ) and keep
> user data in cache ( file or shm ).

it is a good ideea thank you.

>>As I am not so good at apache modules, i need some help here. Also if you
>>have another sugestions please post the on the list.
>>Until monday, i'll wait some suggestions, then depending on what will
>>happen i'll start to write an roadmap and more detailed specs.
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Adrian Rapa
Software Developer
Simco International Ltd.

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