[JDEV] Transports&contacts

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Wed Jan 8 14:38:15 CST 2003

Hi M.!

M.Kiesel wrote:

>- How to let a transport properly push contacts to the user's Jabber
>I tried using <presence type="subscribed"...> packets, this adds the
>contact to the user's roster but it seems to be impossible to push name or
>group also :-(.
>Using <iq type="set" to="user at host"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"><item
>jid="number at mytransport" name="alias"/></query></iq> does not seem to
>work at all, these packets get dropped by jabberd14.
What about sending the contacts in the jabber:x:roster namespace? In 
this namespace they can contain nick names and roster groups.

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770	http://matthias-wimmer.de/
Fax: +49-(0)89-312 88 654	jabber://mawis@charente.de

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