[JDEV] Jabber and XML compression

Robert Norris rob at cataclysm.cx
Thu Feb 20 20:49:23 CST 2003

> I would like to use Jabber as middleware but I'm concerned about the size of 
> XML. There are a lot of XML compressors available, but they all seem to work 
> on files and/or big chunks of data, but Jabber streams fairly small messages. 
> So, my question how would you reduce Jabber's bandwidth without eliminating 
> XML?

There's been plenty of discussion on this in path, see:


(it seems the threading got a bit broken - search for "GZipping Jabber

The outcome of this discussion seems to be that yes, you can compress
the stream, but the gains (less bandwidth usage) don't necessarily
justify the costs (higher memory and CPU usage, and more complex

Having said that, its worth noting that more and more servers and
clients are using SSL, which compresses data (and you get encryption for


Robert Norris                                       GPG: 1024D/FC18E6C2
Email+Jabber: rob at cataclysm.cx                Web: http://cataclysm.cx/
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