[JDEV] Support for "text only" client?

David Yitzchak Cohen dave at dave.tj
Tue Feb 11 00:19:16 CST 2003

On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 11:43:13PM -0600, David Sutton wrote:

>   There is also Jarl (http://jarl.jabberstudio.org/) which has a
>   built-in CLI mode for consoles.
If you're going to use Jarl/CLI, make sure to get the CVS version.
The last release is missing many important bug fixes (some of which are
somewhat misleadingly called new features).

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?
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