[JDEV] A Protocol Dev. Carification

Matthew A. Miller linuxwolf at outer-planes.no-ip.com
Wed Apr 30 15:10:19 CDT 2003

Try reading his e-mail again.  He *is* working on a server.

The results look correct, provided the clients asked for them.  If these
results were pushed out before the clients' <iq type='get'/>, then that
would be a problem.  Additionally, It could be the clients he's trying
don't support "plaintext" authentication (which is highly doubtful).

First, Matt, if you could let us know what data has been sent and
received up to this <iq/> would be very helpful.  Again, note that you
(as the server) can't "push" these values to clients; they need to (and
usually will) ask for them.

-  LW

On Wed, 2003-04-30 at 11:22, Tom Coffin wrote:
> You need to start with a type="get" (or type="set") instead of the type="result".  
> The results are supposed to be sent to the client by the server.
> This should look like:
> C: <iq type="get">...
> S: <iq type="result">... ### Here the server tells you what fields it wants to have filled in
> C: <iq type="set">...    ### Here you fill in the blanks it sent you
> S: <iq type="result">... ### Here you find out that you're logged in (or not).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Beacher [mailto:SyOp at Reigm.Com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:06 PM
> I am working on a Jabber server and am having trouble getting the 
> clients to respond with the log on information.  I send the following 
> snipit, and the two clients I have tested with don't respond.  I guess I 
> must not be sening something I should, but I don't see it in the 
> protocol, any help would be great.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> //Begin Snipit-------------
> <iq type='result' from='shakespeare.lit' id='auth1'>
>   <query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'>
>     <username/>
>     <password/>
>     <resource/>
>   </query>
> </iq>
> //End Snippit-----------------------------------
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Matt "linuxwolf" Miller
JID:	linuxwolf at outer-planes.net
E-MAIL:	linuxwolf at outer-planes.net

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