[JDEV] xdb_ldap

Benoit Orihuela orihuela at free.fr
Tue Apr 29 13:50:06 CDT 2003


> The spool directory is configured in the xml code. It seems that this is
> not used in the code of the module. Is this configuration intended to be
> used later? (For what?) Or can it be removed?
err ... I can't even remember why it's there so yeah, I think it can be 
safely removed :) (fixed in CVS)

> The LDAP suffixes are configured to be "dc=chezouam,dc=org" and
> "dc=chezouam-abook,dc=org". This should be changed. "dc"-Paths ("dc" =
> domain component) are constructed by the domains the LDAP server stores
> information for. The above suffixes belong to the domains chezouam.org
> and chezouam-abook.org which both don't exist. You should only use these
> suffixes if you are the owner of these domains.
yeah, yeah ... As I only use it locally, I never thought about that and 
as it is clearly intended to be changed by users installing xdb_ldap ...
But yes, you're right and to avoid any future problem, I'll change that.



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