[JDEV] Determining nicknames...?

Steve Blinch jdev at blitzaffe.com
Thu Apr 24 22:48:41 CDT 2003

Hi all,

I just had a quick client implementation question.

What is the correct way to obtain the nickname for a contact in your 
roster?  When working with the ICQ and MSN transports, it appears that 
the nickname is sent in the "status" element of the presence packet. 
When working directly with plain-Jabber contacts (and apparently with 
AIM as well), the "status" element actually contains the user's 
plain-English status message, not his nick.  Am I missing something 
here?  Is there any reliable way to determine the nick, regardless of 
what network the user is on?

Conversely, I didn't notice any way to set the nick for your own Jabber 
account... although it's apparently possible.

I've pored over the docs, but I haven't found any related documentation. 
  If I've overlooked something obvious, please *do* tell me to RTFM... 
(but a pointer to the correct document(s) would be helpful.. :)

Steve Blinch

webmessenger at blitzaffe.com

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