[JDEV] XDB_SQL: Problems with the stored "token" value in "users0k" table

Benoit Orihuela orihuela at free.fr
Thu Apr 24 14:24:13 CDT 2003


> About the "token" field written by XDB_SQL module  in the "users0k" table, it seems that the original token is transformed before
> beeing inserted, the token is generated by this line in "mod_auth_0k.c" (line 94):
>  sprintf(token,"%X",(int)time(NULL));
> It generates an eight character string like "3E9C3557". When I look the stored value in the table , I have 10 bytes stored in the
> "token" field converted in ASCII char because the "token" field type is "varchar". This stream has two bytes containing "08" hexa
> code which is the  ASCII backspace character code.
very strange since nobody is supposed to modify this field between
mod_auth_0k and xdb_sql ...
does it happen with all the jabber accounts on your server ?
(and btw, which DB are you using ?)



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