[JDEV] Loudmouth on win32

Mikael Hallendal micke at codefactory.se
Tue Apr 22 06:27:14 CDT 2003

tor 2003-04-17 klockan 23.19 skrev Vapor:
> thats entirely possible.  I realized I havent compiled the loudmouth
> libraries.  I have been trying to compile it but I can't seem to succeed at
> all in this attempt.  I am not sure if anybody else has succesfully.  I am
> not very experienced with programming in C nor am I very experienced with
> using the various compilers so if somebody could share a lcc-win32 project
> or vc6.0 project with me I would be most appreciative.


I have never tried to compile Loudmouth on Windows (since I don't have
it :) but if someone succeeds and have patches I'll be happy to apply
them to the Loudmouth sources. Or if there is anything I can do to help
someone that tries I'll be happy to lend a hand.

  Mikael Hallendal
Mikael Hallendal                micke at codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB                  http://www.codefactory.se/
                                Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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