[JDEV] Jabber Bot / Auto Contact Bot

Edward Tsai edwardt at ucla.edu
Wed Apr 2 21:12:45 CST 2003


I am currently working on a project that basically is a automated chat bot that tries to find people available and forward information.

Basically, lets say I have a customer service web page.

When someone enters a service request on the web page, I want to email out the request as well as contact a Jabber client bot with the information a person has posted from the web page.

The bot needs to find out who is online out of a list of buddies, as well as who is online but away (as a secondary level of potential contacts).

The bot is then to randomly select a buddy out of the list of available buddies and contact them with information from the email / customer service web page, such as a simple message like "Case 1234: Can you take it?" 

If a person responds "yes" then it should give a response like, "ok, you have the case". 

In the case the person doesn't respond in 20 seconds, or responds, "no", the bot should then contact a different person who is available, and on the list.

After the bot contacts everyone, and no one responds, it should then somehow be able to send another email to me saying no one was able to take the call (or some how contact my cell phone... which is probably a whole 'nother thing and can probably be dealt with by perhaps then contacting an IM client on my cell phone).

Which SDK / software would be the best to use / develop on to work this? Perhaps I need to find an existing "bot" and customize it, or is this a project that would be better start from scratch? My main programming skills are in Java and I have used some Perl before :)

Thank you.


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