[JDEV] Getting lotsa ACKs from jabber.org

Jesper L. Nielsen lyager at phunkbros.dk
Tue Apr 1 01:19:35 CST 2003

* Justin Karneges (justin-jdev at affinix.com) [2003-04-01 06:01]:
> Yes, it is delivered to userland.  Jabber uses XML over the network, and 
> whitespace between XML fragment boundaries does not harm the connection 
> (technically, it counts as CDATA, but it is unused in this case). CenterICQ's 
> parser simply eats the spaces.


> So the result is: Yes, clients do get the space, but they do nothing with the 
> space, and they are not supposed to respond with anything either.  The 
> purpose of the space is simply to act as a "keep-alive" so that routers won't 
> drop the TCP connection due to inactivity.

Ok, thats great, just want to point out one last thing: Thomas
Muldowney wrote the the 'space-packages' are comming every 5 minuttes.
According to the tcpdump in my first post, this seems more like 5
packages every second?!

Isn't this a bit much for keep-alive?

> Are we done with this topic, please?? :)

Except for the above question, yes :)

Jesper L. Nielsen

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