[JDEV] Re: Invisible issue

SARADHI uvnpsaradhi at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 26 12:37:04 CDT 2002


Invisibility support is available in the latest server.
There are two ways to use Jabber invisibility: 
on a per-buddy and on a per-server basis. 
 To use per-buddy invisibility: 
One can be visible to all others buddies and can set his invisibility 
Only to a particular user if he wants. This can be done be done by choosing the buddy name to whom the user wants invisible and send a invisible message and the user wont be visible to that particular buddy, and he is online to all other users. This is done by sending "Do not Distrub" Tag to the corresponding user.The "Temporarily" part is a dead give-away. Your invisibility to that buddy will last only until the next time you log on or until you set server invisibility (discussed next) on and off.  Server-Invisibility:
This is similar to Invisible mode, that will be followed in most of the messengers especially . The user is invisible to all the users.One can set yourself invisible per-server and subsequently make yourself visible to selected buddies only. This is also can be done by sending the "do not distrub" presence message to the server immediately after the user authentic is over. Hope this solved ur doubts.
Adrian Rapa (9/26/2002 4:53 PM):
>is there any method to make an user "invisible"?
>i want to take the offline messages from the user without anyone know that the user is logged? The conenction is done from php with a direct conenctoin on the server(jabber server and web server are on the same machine


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