[JDEV] jabberd behind NAT fails s2s interoperation

matthew c. mead mmead at goof.com
Wed Sep 25 17:30:15 CDT 2002


Anyone familiar with how dial back works?  I have to assume
that's what's failing...


On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 09:41:03AM -0400, matthew c. mead wrote:
> I've asked on JADMIN but haven't gotten any response.  I'm hoping
> someone here has more knowledge of the issues involved:
> I just recently installed a jabber server at goof.com.
> Unfortunately, I cannot get it to interoperate with other jabber
> servers using s2s.
> I do not have control over the PTR record for the external ip
> addresses my server answers.
> Is there some way to get s2s working despite this?  Sending from
> goof.com to external servers yields a connect failure.  Sending
> from external servers to goof.com yields that the remote server
> does not have permission to respond with the specified ip
> address.
> My NAT box allows all outbound connections.  It has forwarding
> rules to forward inbound packets it receives for TCP ports 5222,
> 5223, 5269, and 7000 to the machine running the jabber server.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> -matt
> -- 
> matthew c. mead
> http://www.goof.com/~mmead/
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matthew c. mead


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