Re(2): [JDEV] Re-using session - is it possible?

Sami Haahtinen ressu at
Sat Sep 14 04:13:20 CDT 2002

On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 11:47:00PM +0200, Sebastian Paul Avarvarei wrote:
> Sami Haahtinen  (9/13/2002  10:07 PM):
> >you could accomplish this by either building a custom made proxy in
> >between the applications and the actual Jabber server. 
> I thought about this option, but I'm hoping to avoid it somehow.

the proxy is a must in many ways, as PHP has no way of sharing the
connection between 2 runs, i remember someone saying that they were
planning on doing something like this.

(my memory is good but i always forget names =)

> >Or by passing on
> >the parameters from the first login to the applet and make the applet
> >use those parameters to log in.
> If by "parameters" you mean the <digest/>, I don't see how this could
> work. Since each session has its own ID, used at generating the
> digest. Or were you refering to other parameters?

I must admit, this was the first thing that came into my mind, but i
came to think about the same problem. There isn't too many ways to pass
on the password to the applet without giving it out in plaintext (or
some weak encoding)

ofcourse, yet another method comes into my mind.. you could write an
authentication mod that uses one time passwords or other tokens to
authenticate the user. This is a lot of work though.

> >ofcourse, you can always attempt to add support for additional protocols
> >(like the ICMP ping) which do not have the same limitations as TCP =)
> That would be much to adventurous for me :)

heh.. you could say that.. although it's not that funny anymore when you
remember that apache2 has a ICMP connection method as an example module


			  -< Sami Haahtinen >-
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