[JDEV] Getting subscrition requests

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Thu Jun 27 01:10:32 CDT 2002

Hi DJ!

DJ Adams schrieb:

>Yes, that's correct. The pending requests (while you're offline)
>are stored in the roster in some hidden attributes. Sending an
>IQ-get for iq:roster is the 'kick' that the JSM waits for before
>sending you any pending requests.
I thought the 'kick' would be when I send my <presence/> because then 
the server starts to send me the presences of other users and 
subscription requests are send as presences too.

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-700 77007770		http://matthias-wimmer.de/
Fax: +49-89 312 88654		jabber://mawis@charente.de

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