[JDEV] Questions about jabber:x:events

Sean Kirkby SKirkby at Concentrico.net
Wed Jun 26 18:22:33 CDT 2002

I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can help with:
1) Is the "id" attribute of a <message/> packet a required attribute?
2) If not, and a client receives a <message/> packet with a <x
xmlns=jabber:x:events><composing/></x> request in it, how shoudl the
client handle the request?  It will not have a message ID to put in the
<id/> element for a "composing" event packet.  Should it just send the
event with no ID?  Or not send the event at all?  And does the answer to
this question represent "conventional wisdom", "community consent", or
is it part of the specification?
3) Is the "composing" event the only event that really supports the
notion of "canceling the event"?  In other words, does it ever make
sense to try to cancel any of the other three events?  Rather than
"canceling" a "composing" event, wouldn't it make more sense to make it
two different events?  After all, if a user starts composing, and an
event notification is sent, it really doesn't make sense to try to say
"oops... actually, the user never really started composing... so cancel
that".  Rather, it would make more sense to have a "composing_start"
event and a "composing_stop" event.  Am I off base here?
4) If "canceling" an event applies to more than the "composing" event
(perhaps to future events not yet supported), does the current scheme
for canceling events allow for this easily?  As far as I can tell, the
event cancellation doesn't really identify an event to cancel.  Is the
event cancelation supposed to apply only to the most recently received
event, or is it only supposed to apply to composing events?
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