[JDEV] Question JAM, Queuing , and CVS

James Michael DuPont mdupont777 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 21 05:10:16 CDT 2002

Hi All,

I am interesting in using jabber ids with some form
queueing for messaging. The problem is that some users
are not online at the same time.
of course XML-RPC over SMTP
contains a perl implementation.
"Includes XMLRPC::Lite, implementation of XML-RPC
protocol on client and server side. HTTP, SMTP, POP3,
TCP and other transports are available. "

Do you think that setting up a jabber server would do
the trick? 
Anyway, I am looking forward to some feeback from you
on how we can use jabber for a interchange of XML
data, like Jabber-As-Middleware (JAM)
What is the relationship of that to the

Here is another problem I am having cvsing the source
I would like to try out the "WCS/HTTP" stuff

I have trouble loggin into logged into cvs,
>Administrator at PI ~/jabber
>$ cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at jabber.org:/home/cvs login
>(Logging in to anoncvs at jabber.org)
>CVS password:*anoncvs*
>cvs [login aborted]: connect to jabber.org:2401
>failed: Connection refused

I would like to try out the SOAP/XMLRPC interface for
jabber as described here.
But that also depends on the queuing interface that I
was talking about.

please feed back,

James Michael DuPont

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