[JDEV] Problems with Win32 JabberD (v1.4.2 & v1.4.2CVS)

Nathan Sharp spamnps+jabber at phoenix-int.com
Wed Jun 19 08:48:04 CDT 2002


It is my understanding that the cygwin folks dislike you distributing 
the cygwin.dll file with your cygwin application because it both causes 
potential conflicts between cygwin versions and doesn't set up various 
system settings, like mount points, which are technically required for 
cygwin apps. Perhaps it would be better to not include the .dll in your 
Windows binary but state in the instructions that you have to install 
Cygwin before it will work.

Perhaps one of the many people who have recently had trouble w/ the 
win32 build would be willing to write a quick installation guide for 
windows so we can stop re-answering the question here on the lists.


Thomas Muldowney wrote:

>The installer includes the cygwin.dll I believe.  Also, this is why it's
>damn hard to debug this problem.  It works fine for many, and not so
>great for the others.

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