[JDEV] Command Line Interface

r-a-v-i-v-e-d-a-l-a ravivedala at strabus.com
Thu Jun 13 22:48:58 CDT 2002

Command Line Interfaceyes it is possible !
You can write a java class which takes arguments from the command line and can send the messages ..based on the 
You can find some sample jtest calsses provided by jabber in this regard.

Tx n Regds
Using the correct technology is not as important as 
----  using the technology correctly. 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob Bingham 
  To: jdev at jabber.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 8:09 PM
  Subject: [JDEV] Command Line Interface

  Is it possible to send a message to a online user via command line?  For example 
  #echo "This is the message" | sendito jabber.mylocalserver.com 
  This would be sent from another (unix) system on the LAN.  It could also be a script on this other system rather than command line.  It would also be a one-way conversation with no reply expected, jsut a pop up message.


  Bob Bingham 

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