[JDEV] File transfers

Gallo, Felix S. FGallo at westernasset.com
Fri Jun 7 13:07:29 CDT 2002

Max writes to Mike:
> Have you been looking at the fact that no service provider is 
> going to be able to afford a system that does in-band binary 
> transfer exclusively?  Are you saying all file transfer and 
> binary data (H.323) belong in band?  Just trying to make sure 
> I understand your suggestion.

I could be wrong, but I suspect Mike's target environment is
the corporate LAN and the big box, where bandwidth and storage
concerns matter less, and users may be sharing files to many
users simultaneously.

Only pragmatic experiment can tell, but I suspect in an Internet
environment (bandwidth is metered and relatively low, servers
are relatively underpowered, users tend to share files 1 to 1
'at once' rather than 1 to many 'at once'), server-based file
serving is not going to work out that well.

The only way to know is to try it.  And, no matter what, someone
somewhere is going to do that, so Mike might as well write up 
what the best available technique is, maybe implement it, see
what happens.  When I ran the figures, I could run ~1000 messaging
users on my jabberd for about $30/month.  If those users each
traded 1 5M mp3/day, my server would be averaging about 10M * 1000 =
10G of transfer extra a day = $2700/month.  Perhaps a bit much.
My cost if they use straight peer-peer connections: $30/month.


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