[JDEV] Implementation of JEP-0025 (Jabber HTTP Polling)

David Waite mass at akuma.org
Thu Jun 6 14:35:11 CDT 2002

An informational JEP documents an existing implementation. It will not 
be changed so it no longer maps the existing implementation. I agree 
with Peter Millard, we need a separate, standards-track version. If you 
feel that we need to make it clearer that this particular JEP is 
informational, that is different, and we can talk about that on the 
standards-jig mailing list.

-David Waite

Michael F Lin wrote:

>I agree, unfortunately, we now have a new implementation based on this
>"informational" JEP which is vulnerable to the same security problems. So I
>propose that the informational vs. standards track distinction is pretty
>meaningless. Look at Matthias' comments - he used it for lack of anything
>The authors of this JEP, in my opinion, have the responsibility of fixing
>it. We have handed them several ways to do so. Jabber, Inc., in my opinion,
>has the responsibility of fixing its web client before its users using it
>for "financial applications" get burned.
>|         |           "Peter Millard"  |
>|         |           <me at pgmillard.com|
>|         |           >                |
>|         |           Sent by:         |
>|         |           jdev-admin at jabber|
>|         |           .org             |
>|         |                            |
>|         |                            |
>|         |           06/06/2002 01:05 |
>|         |           PM               |
>|         |           Please respond to|
>|         |           jdev             |
>|         |                            |
>  >------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>  |                                                                                                                              |
>  |       To:       <jdev at jabber.org>                                                                                            |
>  |       cc:                                                                                                                    |
>  |       Subject:  Re: [JDEV] Implementation of JEP-0025 (Jabber HTTP Polling)                                                  |
>  |                                                                                                                              |
>  |                                                                                                                              |
>  >------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>Mike -
>>I agree, and I strongly recommend against the use of JEP-0025 as-is
>>for any remotely sensitive purposes.
>>We have been aware of the security problems for two months and have
>>proposed multiple viable solutions, but nothing has been fixed. This
>>JEP either needs to be fixed or withdrawn.
>*disclaimer: I am employed by Jabber, Inc* :)
>JEP-25 is INFORMATIONAL! It won't be withdrawn as it's not standards track.
>The whole idea behind informational JEPS is that they allow companies (like
>Jabber, Inc.) to document the protocol extensions that they build, so other
>people in the jabber community can use and build other products to them (if
>they so desire). It's unlikely that this JEP will change since it reflects
>currently deployed product (good bad or ugly :).
>Someone needs to take JEP-25 as a base, and create a new STANDARDS track
>that fixes the security holes in the current implementation and submit it.
>Then client authors (like myself) can choose to implement either JEP-25,
>new standards JEP, or both.
>Hope this makes sense.
>Peter M.
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org

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