[JDEV] File transfers

Andy Beetz andy.beetz at clearswift.com
Thu Jun 6 05:38:02 CDT 2002

I just performed a quick test on the client interoperability with regards to
file transfers and here is what I found

Jabberd server
myJabber client
Winjab client

Attempt to send a file from myJabber client to Winjab client:
	The receive dialog popped up, hit receive. The file was created but
no data was transferred.

Attempt to send a file from Winjab client to myJabber client:
	Receive dialog popped up, hit receive. Immediately a error msg is
shown (on myJabber client) 
	'Run-time error '380': Invalid property value', clicked ok, the
myJabber client acc vio'd and died.

To me this is unacceptable, to have lots of available clients which can't
communicate correctly with one another. I just see the same thing happening
as did with MIME, where everyone interpreted the RFC's in their own way, and
now we are left with exploits left right and centre because of
inter-operability 'fixes'.

Let me know what you think

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