[JDEV] new user registration with jabberbeans

Philippe Raxhon raxhonp at easynet.be
Wed Jun 5 16:53:09 CDT 2002

You still can take a look at Jackal, a beta Jabber client under the GPL. 
It's not maintained anymore but the code could still help you:


Aaron Iba wrote:

>Since the jabberbeans-devel list seems pretty dead, I'm posting this
>question here (and similar questions have been posted to
>jabberbeans-devel but none answered).
>I am stuck registering a new user with jabberbeans.  I see how jtest6
>(one of the jabberbeans examples) is able to send the query for
>registering a new user, but once I get the server response, then what do
>I do?  How do I create a new packet with the username, password, and
>same key without mucking with the XML?  I have:
>InfoQueryBuilder iqb= new InfoQueryBuiler();
>iqb.addExtension((new IQRegisterExtensionBuilder()).build())
>InfoQuery iq= (InfoQuery)iqb.build();
>now what?  I can register a listener and receive the packet from the
>server with the instructions for registering, but how to "fill it in and
>send it off" is where I'm stuck.
>Browsing through the archives, a _long_ time ago, David Waite wrote:
>>Expect a FAQ on the website (http://jabberbeans.org) soon. In the meantime:
>>- you use jabber:iq:register to create an account. When you first connect,
>>send an InfoQuery request (type=get) to the server, containing an
>>IQRegisterExtension. You will receive a result InfoQuery with a list of all
>>the fields in the registerExtension, as well as information like
>>instructions. Fill all these in and send it off. You will receive back
>>either a result (meaning the account was created) or an error.
>>ConnectionBean.connect() and disconnect() do the actual network connection
>>to the server, but to receive presence and messages (and to be visible
>>online) you have to become available, which can be done by sending presence
>>out (type=available, which is the default)
>>-David Waite
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: jdev-admin at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-admin at jabber.org]On Behalf Of
>>>Amarnath Yara
>>>Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 2:24 PM
>>>To: jdev at jabber.org
>>>Subject: [JDEV] Need help with jabber beans
>>>Hi all, I am trying to make a simple client using jabber beans. I have
>>>modified the jtest2 and could chat using an existing userid and
>>>password and
>>>not with a new username and password. Also I have no clue how to
>>>Is there any way by which I can create new account, connect and also
>>>disconnect. I am looking forward for suggestions from you all. Thanks..
>>>With Regards,

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