[JDEV] Jabberd 1.5 Development

Thomas Muldowney temas at box5.net
Wed Jan 16 10:51:21 CST 2002

Thanks for the thoughts, and I whole heartedly agree with the thoughts on
documentation and standardization.  Julian (x-virge), DJ (qmacro), and
myself have been working on getting some of the current draft docs at last
written up as informational JEPs so they are partially official.  After that
step we're going to compile them all into a doc.  Along with that the
JabberStudio project will have a built in document manager so it's easier
for us to see where we are with those tasks and where they need to go.

About modifying the protocol, that will be more in the realm of what jer
will lead with the next generation work.  If there are parts of that work
that benefit the IM side we'll definately roll them back into jabberd,
especially if they are accepted by the council.

Hope to have your help as we progress on 1.5.


----- Original Message -----
From: Frédérique Pinson
To: jdev at jabber.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Jabberd 1.5 Development

> Hey all it's about time for a new development cycle for jabberd.
Love to read that  - I am a fan...
Do you consider modifying the protocol ?
I will join the effort on XML standards compliance as well.

To me, the fact that Jabber is not fully compliant to XML standards
(namespaces for exemple) slows down the expansion of Jabber, as well as  the
lack of rigourous documentations and specifications.
This is what you can read on Jabber.org/ welcome page :
"The result? Jabber is quickly becoming a standard  component of Internet
is it really true ?
Preceding messages  (on errors code, or component architecture for exemple)
show that there is a demand for such docs and specs.
That is why I propose you to also enhance  the effort on documentation.
I know that there are many  many things to do on Jabber,  that documenting
and specifying are time consuming tasks,
and that Jabber developpers have only two fingers, one brain et two eyes...
and like all developpers (from which I am) they prefer coding than writing
clear specification --  that's already in their head...
But  when you intend to spread your techno over the world -- and want people
to build their software based upon your techno - please  consider that
documentation would ease their job, thus the adoption of your techno. And if
they can easily use it -- without having to read your code to understand how
to do --, the techno will really become a standard component of Internet
Well, I would like to...that's why I wrote you these kindly unpleasant

best regards,
Frédérique Pinson
France Telecom R&D/DMI/GRI
Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 30 85
Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 32 86

"Fabrice DESRE - FT.BD/FTRD/DMI/GRI" wrote:
Thomas Muldowney wrote:
> Hey all it's about time for a new development cycle for jabberd.  This
> will be under the guise of a 1.5.x series of releases culminating in a
> 1.6.0 release.  We won't officially start the development until 1.4.2 is
> tagged in CVS but there is plenty for us to do before that.  My main
> goal right now is to get the feature list put together that we're
> working towards.  After discussing with a few of the jdev group idlers
> we currently have this list:
> - General cleanup and standards compliance.  This includes checking all
>   the error reporting to make sure it makes sense, and all the other
>   little oddities that have slipped in.
 Which standards are you talking about ? If you think of the correct
processing of xml namespaces i'm +1 on this one.
Fabrice Desré - France Telecom R&D/DTL/MSV
Tel: +(33) 2 96 05 31 43
Fax: +(33) 2 96 05 32 86
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