[JDEV] Changes to 1.4.2.test2 for hp-ux

Doug Claar doug at claar.org
Tue Jan 15 11:40:55 CST 2002

Here are the changes I made to the test2 stuff to make it compile on hp-ux.
Note that I compiled pth separately, using the config options discussed
previously in this mailing list, so these changes don't encapsulate that.

Most of the changes are to remove gnumake and gcc extensions. I built this
on 11.00 hp-ux, 64 bit. This version (test2, not my changes) fixes the
problems I mentioned previously: The welcome message getting truncated and
the server not remembering my jabber id. (Well, actually, not remembering
my password correctly...)

Some of these might already be in the cvs versions, but I didn't get around
to figuring out how to do cvs yet, so I don't know...

==Doug Claar
-------------- next part --------------
*** Makefile	Sat Jan 20 21:32:48 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:17:41 2002
*** 3,8 ****
--- 3,10 ----
  include platform-settings
  SUBDIRS=pthsock xdb_file dnsrv jsm dialback jabberd
  all: all-recursive
*** 29,39 ****
  check-recursive installcheck-recursive single-recursive static-recursive:
  	@set fnord $(MAKEFLAGS); amf=$$2; \
  	dot_seen=no; \
      if test "$@" = "single-recursive"; then \
!       export ISSINGLE=1; \
      fi; \
  	if test "$@" = "static-recursive"; then \
!       export ISSTATIC=1; \
  	fi; \
  	target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
  	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
--- 31,42 ----
  check-recursive installcheck-recursive single-recursive static-recursive:
  	@set fnord $(MAKEFLAGS); amf=$$2; \
  	dot_seen=no; \
+     DEFINES='-DCONFIGXML="jabber.xml"'; \
      if test "$@" = "single-recursive"; then \
      fi; \
  	if test "$@" = "static-recursive"; then \
!       	    DEFINES='-DSTATIC'; \
  	fi; \
  	target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
  	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
*** 44,50 ****
  	  else \
  	    local_target="$$target"; \
  	  fi; \
! 	  (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $$local_target) \
  	   || case "$$amf" in *=*) exit 1;; *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
  	done; \
  	if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
--- 47,53 ----
  	  else \
  	    local_target="$$target"; \
  	  fi; \
! 	  (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $$local_target DEFINES="$$DEFINES" )\
  	   || case "$$amf" in *=*) exit 1;; *k*) fail=yes;; *) exit 1;; esac; \
  	done; \
  	if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
*** configure	Thu Jan 10 00:15:09 2002
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/configure	Fri Jan 11 19:32:02 2002
*** 22,34 ****
  # Setup our initial flags
! if [ -n "$CC" ]; then
!     CC="$CC";
! else
!     CC="gcc";
! fi;
! CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -Wall -I. -I.."
! MCFLAGS="$MCFLAGS -shared"
--- 22,42 ----
  # Setup our initial flags
! hosttype=`uname -s`
! case $hosttype in
!     HP-UX)
! 	    CC="cc -Ae"
! 	    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g +z -I. -I.. +DS2.0 +DA2.0W"
! 	    MCFLAGS="$MCFLAGS -b"
! 	    ;;
!     *)
! 	    CC="gcc";
! 	    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -Wall -fPIC -I. -I.."
! 	    MCFLAGS="$MCFLAGS -shared"
! 	    ;;
! esac
*** 76,86 ****
  # Pth check
! printf "Getting pth settings..."
! PTH_CFLAGS=`pth-config --cflags`
! PTH_LDFLAGS=`pth-config --ldflags`
! PTH_LIBS=`pth-config --libs`
! PTH_LIBDIR=`pth-config --libdir`
  if [ -n "$PTH_CFLAGS" ]; then
--- 84,100 ----
  # Pth check
! print "Getting pth settings..."
! # Cheap & dirty test for pth-config. If not present, can't use...
! pth-config --version
! if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
! 	PTH_CFLAGS=`pth-config --cflags`
! 	PTH_LDFLAGS=`pth-config --ldflags`
! 	PTH_LIBS=`pth-config --libs`
! 	PTH_LIBDIR=`pth-config --libdir`
! fi
  if [ -n "$PTH_CFLAGS" ]; then
*** 110,115 ****
--- 124,131 ----
  printf "Setting Build Parameters..."
  hosttype=`uname -s`
  case $hosttype in
+     HP-UX)
+ 	XLDFLAGS="$XLDFLAGS -Wl,-E -lm -ldl -Wl,+std";;
          CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC"
          LIBS="$LIBS -ldl -lresolv"
*** dialback/Makefile	Mon Dec 17 12:09:12 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/dialback/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:12:48 2002
*** 7,13 ****
  all: dialback
  dialback: $(dialback_OBJECTS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MCFLAGS) -o dialback.so $(dialback_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: $(dialback_OBJECTS)
--- 7,13 ----
  all: dialback
  dialback: $(dialback_OBJECTS)
! 	$(LD) $(MCFLAGS) -o dialback.so $(dialback_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: $(dialback_OBJECTS)
*** dnsrv/Makefile	Mon Dec 17 12:09:12 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/dnsrv/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:13:25 2002
*** 13,19 ****
  $(dnsrv_OBJECTS): $(dnsrv_HEADERS)
  dnsrv_build: $(dnsrv_OBJECTS) $(dnsrv_HEADERS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MCFLAGS) -o dnsrv.so $(dnsrv_OBJECTS) 
  static: $(dnsrv_OBJECTS) $(dnsrv_HEADERS)
--- 13,19 ----
  $(dnsrv_OBJECTS): $(dnsrv_HEADERS)
  dnsrv_build: $(dnsrv_OBJECTS) $(dnsrv_HEADERS)
! 	$(LD) $(MCFLAGS) -o dnsrv.so $(dnsrv_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS)
  static: $(dnsrv_OBJECTS) $(dnsrv_HEADERS)
*** dnsrv/dnsrv.c	Wed Jan  9 14:34:32 2002
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/dnsrv/dnsrv.c	Fri Jan 11 19:33:44 2002
*** 211,217 ****
  	 xmlnode_put_attrib(pkt, "to", to);
  	 xmlnode_put_attrib(pkt, "ip", ip);
! 	 jutil_error(pkt, (terror){502, "Unable to resolve hostname."});
  	 xmlnode_put_attrib(pkt, "iperror", "");
--- 211,217 ----
  	 xmlnode_put_attrib(pkt, "to", to);
  	 xmlnode_put_attrib(pkt, "ip", ip);
! 	 jutil_error(pkt, TERROR(502, "Unable to resolve hostname."));
  	 xmlnode_put_attrib(pkt, "iperror", "");
*** jabber.xml	Tue May 15 08:21:56 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jabber.xml	Fri Jan 11 18:58:24 2002
*** 43,49 ****
      be on one line, the server doesn't like it otherwise! :)
!     <host><jabberd:cmdline flag="h">localhost</jabberd:cmdline></host>
      This is the custom configuration section for the 
--- 43,49 ----
      be on one line, the server doesn't like it otherwise! :)
!     <host><jabberd:cmdline flag="h">hpindgr.cup.hp.com</jabberd:cmdline></host>
      This is the custom configuration section for the 
*** 117,123 ****
          <FN>Jabber Server</FN>
          <DESC>A Jabber Server!</DESC>
!         <URL>http://foo.bar/</URL>
--- 117,123 ----
          <FN>Jabber Server</FN>
          <DESC>A Jabber Server!</DESC>
!         <URL>http://integration.cup.hp.com/dcia/</URL>
*** 193,199 ****
--- 193,201 ----
        entry for <host/> above.
+       <!--
        <update><jabberd:cmdline flag="h">localhost</jabberd:cmdline></update>
+       -->
        This enables the server to automatically update the 
*** 223,232 ****
--- 225,236 ----
          directories, e.g., one for a company intranet.
+ 	<!--
          <service type="jud" jid="users.jabber.org" name="Jabber User Directory">
+ 	-->
          The following services are examples only, you will need to
*** jabberd/lib/Makefile	Sun Jan 28 02:18:17 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jabberd/lib/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 18:58:58 2002
*** 3,9 ****
  include ../../platform-settings
  lib_HEADERS= \
  	asciitab.h \
--- 3,9 ----
  include ../../platform-settings
  lib_HEADERS= \
  	asciitab.h \
*** jabberd/lib/jutil.c	Wed Jan  3 03:00:00 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jabberd/lib/jutil.c	Fri Jan 11 19:03:33 2002
*** 275,277 ****
--- 275,285 ----
      return NULL;
+ #ifndef GCC
+ terror TERROR(const int code, const char *msg) {
+ 	terror t;
+ 	t.code=code;
+ 	strncpy(t.msg, msg, 64);
+ 	return t;
+ }
+ #endif
*** jabberd/lib/lib.h	Fri Nov 30 14:32:11 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jabberd/lib/lib.h	Fri Jan 11 19:01:22 2002
*** 591,613 ****
      char msg[64];
  } terror;
! #define TERROR_BAD           (terror){400,"Bad Request"}
! #define TERROR_AUTH          (terror){401,"Unauthorized"}
! #define TERROR_PAY           (terror){402,"Payment Required"}
! #define TERROR_FORBIDDEN     (terror){403,"Forbidden"}
! #define TERROR_NOTFOUND      (terror){404,"Not Found"}
! #define TERROR_NOTALLOWED    (terror){405,"Not Allowed"}
! #define TERROR_NOTACCEPTABLE (terror){406,"Not Acceptable"}
! #define TERROR_REGISTER      (terror){407,"Registration Required"}
! #define TERROR_REQTIMEOUT    (terror){408,"Request Timeout"}
! #define TERROR_CONFLICT      (terror){409,"Conflict"}
! #define TERROR_INTERNAL   (terror){500,"Internal Server Error"}
! #define TERROR_NOTIMPL    (terror){501,"Not Implemented"}
! #define TERROR_EXTERNAL   (terror){502,"Remote Server Error"}
! #define TERROR_UNAVAIL    (terror){503,"Service Unavailable"}
! #define TERROR_EXTTIMEOUT (terror){504,"Remote Server Timeout"}
! #define TERROR_DISCONNECTED (terror){510,"Disconnected"}
  /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*                                                           */
--- 591,619 ----
      char msg[64];
  } terror;
! #ifdef GCC
! #define TERROR(code, msg) (terror){code, msg}
! #else
! terror TERROR(const int code, const char *msg);
! #endif
! #define TERROR_BAD           TERROR(400,"Bad Request")
! #define TERROR_AUTH          TERROR(401,"Unauthorized")
! #define TERROR_PAY           TERROR(402,"Payment Required")
! #define TERROR_FORBIDDEN     TERROR(403,"Forbidden")
! #define TERROR_NOTFOUND      TERROR(404,"Not Found")
! #define TERROR_NOTALLOWED    TERROR(405,"Not Allowed")
! #define TERROR_NOTACCEPTABLE TERROR(406,"Not Acceptable")
! #define TERROR_REGISTER      TERROR(407,"Registration Required")
! #define TERROR_REQTIMEOUT    TERROR(408,"Request Timeout")
! #define TERROR_CONFLICT      TERROR(409,"Conflict")
! #define TERROR_INTERNAL   TERROR(500,"Internal Server Error")
! #define TERROR_NOTIMPL    TERROR(501,"Not Implemented")
! #define TERROR_EXTERNAL   TERROR(502,"Remote Server Error")
! #define TERROR_UNAVAIL    TERROR(503,"Service Unavailable")
! #define TERROR_EXTTIMEOUT TERROR(504,"Remote Server Timeout")
! #define TERROR_DISCONNECTED TERROR(510,"Disconnected")
  /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*                                                           */
*** jabberd/Makefile	Mon Dec 17 12:09:12 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jabberd/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:17:32 2002
*** 3,19 ****
  include ../platform-settings
! ifeq ($(ISSINGLE),1)
! else
! 	DEFINES=-DHOME="\"$(JHOME)\"" -DCONFIGXML="\"jabber.xml\""
! endif
! ifeq ($(ISSTATIC),1)
! endif
  jabberd_HEADERS=jabberd.h single.h
  SUBDIRS=base lib $(PSUBDIR)
--- 3,10 ----
  include ../platform-settings
  jabberd_HEADERS=jabberd.h single.h
  SUBDIRS=base lib $(PSUBDIR)
*** 23,29 ****
  	mio.o \
  	mio_raw.o \
  	mio_xml.o \
!     mio_ssl.o \
  	deliver.o \
  	heartbeat.o \
  	jabberd.o \
--- 14,20 ----
  	mio.o \
  	mio_raw.o \
  	mio_xml.o \
! 	mio_ssl.o \
  	deliver.o \
  	heartbeat.o \
  	jabberd.o \
*** 63,69 ****
  	base/base_format.o \
  	base/base_stderr.o \
  	$(JHOME)/jsm/deliver.o \
  	$(JHOME)/jsm/jsm.o \
--- 54,60 ----
  	base/base_format.o \
  	base/base_stderr.o \
  	$(JHOME)/jsm/deliver.o \
  	$(JHOME)/jsm/jsm.o \
*** 96,104 ****
  	$(JHOME)/jsm/modules/mod_xml.o \
  	$(JHOME)/dnsrv/dnsrv.o \
  	$(JHOME)/dnsrv/srv_resolv.o \
!     $(JHOME)/dialback/dialback.o \
!     $(JHOME)/dialback/dialback_out.o \
!     $(JHOME)/dialback/dialback_in.o \
  	$(JHOME)/pthsock/client.o \
--- 87,95 ----
  	$(JHOME)/jsm/modules/mod_xml.o \
  	$(JHOME)/dnsrv/dnsrv.o \
  	$(JHOME)/dnsrv/srv_resolv.o \
! 	$(JHOME)/dialback/dialback.o \
! 	$(JHOME)/dialback/dialback_out.o \
! 	$(JHOME)/dialback/dialback_in.o \
  	$(JHOME)/pthsock/client.o \
*** jabberd/mio.c	Thu Jan 10 14:06:29 2002
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jabberd/mio.c	Fri Jan 11 19:40:48 2002
*** 292,298 ****
          else if(len < cur->len)
!             cur->cur += len;
              cur->len -= len;
              return 1;
--- 292,298 ----
          else if(len < cur->len)
!             cur->cur = &cur->cur + len;
              cur->len -= len;
              return 1;
*** 996,1002 ****
              new->data = pmalloco(p,len+2);
!             memcpy((new->data + len) - 1, "/>",3);
              /* THIS WAS DUMB, I'm just leaving it here to remind me of how dumb it was :)
              sprintf(new->data,"%.*s/>",len-2,buffer); */
--- 996,1002 ----
              new->data = pmalloco(p,len+2);
!             memcpy((&new->data + len) - 1, "/>",3);
              /* THIS WAS DUMB, I'm just leaving it here to remind me of how dumb it was :)
              sprintf(new->data,"%.*s/>",len-2,buffer); */
*** jsm/modules/Makefile	Mon Dec 17 12:09:13 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jsm/modules/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:15:14 2002
*** 1,6 ****
  include ../../platform-settings
! CFLAGS=$(CCFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -I../../jabberd/
  jsm_modules_HEADERS=../jsm.h ../../jabberd/jabberd.h
--- 1,6 ----
  include ../../platform-settings
! CFLAGS=$(CCFLAGS) -I../../jabberd/
  jsm_modules_HEADERS=../jsm.h ../../jabberd/jabberd.h
*** jsm/modules/mod_auth_0k.c	Wed Jan  9 14:34:32 2002
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jsm/modules/mod_auth_0k.c	Fri Jan 11 19:34:16 2002
*** 208,214 ****
      /* if we can, set the 0k vars to what the client told us to */
      if(!disable && xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"hash") != NULL && mod_auth_0k_set(m,id,xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"hash"),xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"token"),xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"sequence")))
!         jutil_error(m->packet->x,(terror){500,"Authentication Storage Failed"});
          return M_HANDLED;
--- 208,214 ----
      /* if we can, set the 0k vars to what the client told us to */
      if(!disable && xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"hash") != NULL && mod_auth_0k_set(m,id,xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"hash"),xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"token"),xmlnode_get_tag_data(m->packet->iq,"sequence")))
!         jutil_error(m->packet->x,TERROR(500,"Authentication Storage Failed"));
          return M_HANDLED;
*** jsm/modules/mod_auth_plain.c	Sun Sep 30 01:20:50 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jsm/modules/mod_auth_plain.c	Fri Jan 11 19:34:29 2002
*** 94,100 ****
      /* tuck away for a rainy day */
!         jutil_error(m->packet->x,(terror){500,"Password Storage Failed"});
          return M_HANDLED;
--- 94,100 ----
      /* tuck away for a rainy day */
!         jutil_error(m->packet->x,TERROR(500,"Password Storage Failed"));
          return M_HANDLED;
*** jsm/Makefile	Mon Dec 17 12:09:12 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jsm/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:15:53 2002
*** 3,9 ****
  include ../platform-settings
! CFLAGS=$(CCFLAGS) $(DEFINES) -I../jabberd/
  jsm_HEADERS=jsm.h ../jabberd/jabberd.h
--- 3,9 ----
  include ../platform-settings
! CFLAGS=$(CCFLAGS) -I../jabberd/
  jsm_HEADERS=jsm.h ../jabberd/jabberd.h
*** 51,57 ****
  $(jsm_OBJECTS): $(jsm_HEADERS)
  all-local: $(jsm_OBJECTS) $(jsm_HEADERS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MCFLAGS) -o jsm.so $(jsm_OBJECTS) $(jsm_EXOBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: static-recursive
--- 51,57 ----
  $(jsm_OBJECTS): $(jsm_HEADERS)
  all-local: $(jsm_OBJECTS) $(jsm_HEADERS)
! 	$(LD) $(MCFLAGS) -o jsm.so $(jsm_OBJECTS) $(jsm_EXOBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: static-recursive
*** jsm/authreg.c	Sun Sep 30 01:20:49 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/jsm/authreg.c	Fri Jan 11 19:35:05 2002
*** 86,92 ****
                  jutil_error(p->x, TERROR_NOTACCEPTABLE);
              }else if(js_user(si,p->to,NULL) != NULL){
!                 jutil_error(p->x, (terror){409,"Username Not Available"});
              }else if(!js_mapi_call(si, e_REGISTER, p, NULL, NULL)){
                  jutil_error(p->x, TERROR_NOTIMPL);
--- 86,92 ----
                  jutil_error(p->x, TERROR_NOTACCEPTABLE);
              }else if(js_user(si,p->to,NULL) != NULL){
!                 jutil_error(p->x, TERROR(409,"Username Not Available"));
              }else if(!js_mapi_call(si, e_REGISTER, p, NULL, NULL)){
                  jutil_error(p->x, TERROR_NOTIMPL);
*** pthsock/Makefile	Mon Dec 17 12:09:13 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/pthsock/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:15:02 2002
*** 14,20 ****
  $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS): $(HEADERS)
  pthsock_client: $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS) $(HEADERS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MCFLAGS) -o pthsock_client.so $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS) $(HEADERS)
--- 14,20 ----
  $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS): $(HEADERS)
  pthsock_client: $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS) $(HEADERS)
! 	$(LD) $(MCFLAGS) -o pthsock_client.so $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: $(pthsock_client_OBJECTS) $(HEADERS)
*** xdb_file/Makefile	Sat Jan 13 14:06:56 2001
--- ../jabber-1.4.2-test2/xdb_file/Makefile	Fri Jan 11 19:14:01 2002
*** 1,6 ****
  include ../platform-settings
! CFLAGS:=$(CFLAGS) -I../jabberd
--- 1,6 ----
  include ../platform-settings
! CFLAGS=$(CCFLAGS) -I../jabberd
*** 9,15 ****
  all: xdb_file
  xdb_file: $(xdb_file_OBJECTS)
! 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MCFLAGS) -o xdb_file.so $(xdb_file_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: $(xdb_file_OBJECTS)
--- 9,15 ----
  all: xdb_file
  xdb_file: $(xdb_file_OBJECTS)
! 	$(LD) $(MCFLAGS) -o xdb_file.so $(xdb_file_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)
  static: $(xdb_file_OBJECTS)

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