[JDEV] Jabber over http proxy

Matthias Wimmer jabber at matthias-wimmer.de
Tue Jan 15 00:27:42 CST 2002


I've implemented http proxy support for Gabber with continuous CONNECT, PUT and
POST requests like desribed in http://jabber.org/?oid=2047 and
Are there any more documented or undocumented ways to connect over a http proxy?
Especially something like a non continuous polling?

The implemented ones are not perfect: CONNECT normaly is only allowed to port
443 and by most jabber servers this is not suppored (yet), PUT and POST don't
work over a traditional squid proxy because that kind of request normaly needs a
"Content-Length" header that can't be given by the Jabber client.

Tot kijk
fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770  http://matthias-wimmer.de/
fax: +49-(0)89 312 88 654  jabber://mawis@charente.de

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