[JDEV] IRC Transport Development, with Gabber/other clients

Benoit Orihuela borihuela at idealx.com
Sun Jan 13 15:01:51 CST 2002


> Isn't #channel%ircserver at irctransport the complete jid?

> Therefore, you mean the server already sends the view and it should be the
> client that should register the full jid, like if you join two channels with
> the same name on different servers.
yep, exactly.

> > I'm currently writing my own jabber client so I've not checked if it
> > always worked with gabber :) ...
> Maybe we can use that for testing IRC :)  Will you make it publicly 
> available?
I think so. I just hope I'll finish it one day :) ...

> Ah, I guess it's a Gabber-specific problem.  Gabber doesn't ask you for
> the server name when doing the 'Enter' on the IRC transport.
you can specify the IRC server when you choose the channel name
(always in the form #channel%ircserver).


Benoit Orihuela		

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