[JDEV] HTTP Proxy Support (was: The Important Things)

Adam Theo theo at theoretic.com
Sat Jan 12 06:03:19 CST 2002

Ashvil <ashvil at i3connect.net> wrote:
> One big request is support for HTTP proxy. Jermie replied to
> my request earlier that this functionality is in CVS.
> Can some of the public jabber servers (jabberview.com) support
> this ? This would enable lot of users behind firewalls to join
> the jabber community.

Well, now with AOL blocking me, I think I will try and take my server
into the non-IM markets. So yeah, Theoretic.com will install the HTTP
proxy, with traditional Theoretic quality :-)

I'll put that one my Monday & Tueday ToDo list and announce to the
JAdmin list when done, OK?

    /\  Adam Theo, Age 22, Tallahassee FL USA
   //\\   Email & Jabber: theo at theoretic.com
  //  \\    AIM: AdamTheo2000         ICQ: 3617306
=//====\\=  MSN: theo at theoretic.com   YIM: adamtheo2
//  ||  \\  Theoretic Solutions: http://www.theoretic.com
    ||         "Bringing Ideas Together"
    ||      Jabber Protocol: http://www.jabber.org
    ||         "The Coolest IM on the Planet"
    ||  "A Free-Market Socialist Patriotic American Buddhist"
 Patriotic American Buddhist"

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