[JDEV] Theoretic.com Now Blocked

mitchell balsam mbalsam at dti.net
Tue Jan 8 18:13:21 CST 2002

Agreed. I think your correct we need to have some level of security ie:
we know who's running the redirector. 

But whats to stop people from setting up a jabber servers and typing
tcpdump in a window next to it.  Nothing. 

Secuirty is a problem in ether approach.

-----Original Message-----
From: jdev-admin at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-admin at jabber.org] On Behalf Of
Thomas Parslow (PatRat)
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 6:43 PM
To: mitchell balsam
Subject: Re[2]: [JDEV] Theoretic.com Now Blocked


> A benifits of the socket redirector apporach is that it should be a 
> very simple program to setup and run. Very little or no configuration.

> Lets get one that can be run on unix, or windows or anything.  Think 
> of them as throwaways, they block one machine, we bring up three more.

> I think we want to use the "SETI" online model.  Make it trivial to 
> get on 1000's of machines.


> Rashad

That sounds like a major security problem to me, any one of those
redirectors would be able to snoop traffic and pick out passwords (I
think passwords are sent plain text in AIM/ICQ, is that correct?)

Thomas Parslow (PatRat) ICQ #:26359483
Rat Software
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