[JDEV] GZipping Jabber Messages

Ben Schumacher ben-jdev at blahr.com
Mon Jan 7 16:29:54 CST 2002


It is my understanding that DotGNU working group wanted to use this for
their project. In that case, it is entirely possible that they are sending
messages much larger than the size a "normal" (user-to-user) message would
be... however, I'm still with you. I'm not convinced that much would be
gained by gzipping a 5K SOAP packet, especially when you consider the
overhead caused on CPU/memory usage. I think it would definitely need some
sort of hash to verify data integrity. Hmm... still seems like it'd be an
interesting idea to toy with.

Which I guess isn't outside the range of what everybody else has already
been saying.


On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 mlin at mlin.net wrote:
> OK, I think this explains quite a bit, because even the uncompressed 
> bandwidth usage (200kb in 24 hours) is essentially negligible. At this 
> rate any appreciable amount of server bandwidth would have the capacity 
> for many millions of connections, and other factors (such as kernel 
> limitations, XML parsing, memory constraints) will limit server capacity 
> long before bandwidth becomes an issue. Therefore, adding compression in a 
> heavily strained server will actually decrease its capacity, because 
> internal resources (such as CPU time and memory) will be taken away to 
> save bandwidth, which is plentiful.
> >From the cost perspective, at this rate of transfer, the cost for 
> bandwidth per user is also negligible. Consider that if bandwidth costs 
> $10/GB (this is a number from a web hosting provider, and is probably much 
> higher than one pays for an actual pipe), then supporting one million 
> concurrent users each transferring 200kb in 24 hours costs $2,000 or 0.2 
> cents per user. Certainly this figure decreases if your bandwidth usage 
> decreases, but either number is negligible when compared to the secondary 
> costs of supporting that many users.
> The questions, then, are: (1) under what conditions is the bandwidth usage 
> for a client connection non-negligible? and  (2) can you achieve the same 
> high compression ratios under these conditions?
> I hypothesize that the answer to question (1) will imply that the data 
> being exchanged with the client is very non-repetitive and thus 
> non-compressible compared to the 200kb that crossed in 24 hours, and so 
> the answer to (2) will be no. But I will have to look into it further.
> -Mike
> "Michael F. March" <march at indirect.com>
> Sent by: jdev-admin at jabber.org
> 01/06/2002 02:13 PM
> Please respond to jdev
>         To:     <jdev at jabber.org>
>         cc: 
>         Subject:        Re: [JDEV] GZipping Jabber Messages
> More info:
> I captured XML from a 24 hr Jabber session and the XML from
> that session was 179601 bytes and it compressed down to
> 6966 bytes.

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