[JDEV] protocol question.

Raditha Dissanayake raditha at matrix.mediasolv.com
Thu Jan 3 00:55:15 CST 2002

I think part of the problem is that jabberd caches the user information
until you restart.

aliban at gmx.net wrote:

> hi, thanks for your response...
> i will explain again.
> i login, my icq gateway is registred and online.
> my user then wants to change his icq account to another uin.
> for this he first unregisters... that is successfull.
> the he sends a empty iq:register to get a key and the
> logininformation.. after filling in the correct information in my
> formular he sends a firlled iq:register to the server...
> but then the server returns an error iwth a <registered/> in the
> iq:register. it seems that the server still thinks that i am
> registered... well, if i disconnect from the server and reconnect then
> the registerf works quite fine again...
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